20170423 cycling
/i love when all the boxes are filled in
A good week of riding.
sunrise at sr56 construction
60° humidity 91% wind 4 E
Tried to push the speed a little more since it was a shorter ride. I saw three hot air balloons.
7.91 miles
12 mph
pond along hueland pond blvd
65° humidity 90% wind 4 E
Quick ride. Concerned about making it home in time. Wind didn't bother me.
6.09 miles
12.11 mph
fun ride with andy
85° humidity 37% wind 7 ENE
I tried to go out alone but Andy wanted to come. I waited for him. We went through The Ridge. The sidewalks were poured and are set so we could just ride past the locked gate.
6 miles
8 mph
this is the first time i have seen cows in this pasture. i am not sure why they are separated. one of the mamma cows didn't like that i stopped.
I went out by myself after Andy went in. I rode hard to SR56 and back Hueland Pond. Headwind along Mansfield was awful.
6.07 miles
11.05 mph
why did they plant oleander, which can be poisonous next to a pedestrian walkway?
63° humidity 91% wind 4 NE
A little chill in the air. Wind wasn't strong. I didn't want to stop at the light at Mansfield so rode along sidewalk to PHSC and tried to cross. I had to stop. I should have ridden to the light at WRHS.
7.58 miles
12.05 mph
are these sorting chutes? i know little about raising cattle
60° humidity 84% wind 4 ESE
Chilly. I tried a new route today. I road on Mansfield north of SR56. It runs to Chancey. Instead of intersections, there are roundabouts. There are three roundabouts in that short area. The bike lanes stop at each one and expect the riders to switch to the sidewalk. That seems dumb.
10.58 miles
12.31 mph
temporary markings on beardsley
63° humidity 93% wind 3 ENE
Happy to find Beardsley construction done. Headwind along Mansfield
12.39 miles
12.02 mph
at least these oleander are set back from the walkway
74° humidity 93% wind 2 N
Wind felt stronger than reported speed. Very few people out.
6.15 miles
11.55 mph
This week 62.4 miles
This year 910 miles