20170226 cycling

60° humidity 95% 2 ENE
Sunny and almost too warm for a sweatshirt. 
I am feeling more confident that my tires will not fail again so soon. 
I rode out to Union Park. Kids were waiting for the bus at two locations. I saw two different buses coming out. Do they have that many kids or are they going to two different schools? 
I squeezed by one bus turning from Oldwoods to MPB. It was too tight and I was very closing to hitting the bus. Oops. 
12.65 miles
13.39 mph

64° humidity 63% wind 5-7 ENE-ESE
Overcast. I rode out to Union Park. 
12.59 miles
12.74 mph

Rain. No ride. 

Drove the boys to school so only time for a short ride. 
64° humidity 95% wind 3 NE
Wet and breezy. I went out to BBD. Wahoo sensors stopped showing at SPES. Apple Watch stopped showing anything around WRHS. Weird. 
7.12 miles 12.54 mph

67° humidity 92% wind N
Cloudy and windy. Rode out to Union Park. 
12.49 miles
12.68 mph

65° humidity 95% wind 3 SW
I took off my sweatshirt before I even began. The sky was grey but the humidity made it feel warmer. 
I rode to BBD. Wind against me. It felt stronger than 3mph. 
Headwind on Hueland Pond and CLR. 
8.18 miles
12.9 mph

76° humidity 24% wind 4 NE
If felt good but breezy. I rode my 820 with street clothes. I went out to Hueland Pond and back. My legs were shaking when I got done. 
6.03 miles
10.85 mph

This week 59 miles
This year 471 miles