20161009 cycling
73° humidity 96% wind 4 NE
Wind was annoying.
I didn’t work until noon so I rode out to Union Park. I only stopped at the bridge then rode the rest of the way without a stop.
11.6 miles 13.5 mph
75° humidity 93% wind 6 NE
Windy and warm.
Still learning how to use my Apple Watch. I didn't know that it had to be turned on. I missed the first 5 minutes. Oops.
Rode up to Union Park and tried some new roads.
I was close to 13 miles so I rode down Eagle Station, Forest Glen and Allegro to make the miles.
13.09 miles 13.15 mph
There is almost always two or people standing around talking. It seems like a good meeting place.
75° humidity 94% wind 5 NE
Overcast and windy.
One loop. One stop.
9.02 miles 13.43 mph
hurricane matthew brought grey skies to the area.
78° humidity 92% wind 8-10 NNE
Windy. I struggled to get over 12 mph.
I rode up to Union Park. Tallulah is all construction and muddy. I will avoid it in the future.
13.08 miles 12.8 mph
ryan rode his bike through the strong winds which challenged me to do the same.
75° humidity 92% wind 16 NW
Hurricane Matthew brought a tropical storm to our area.
Normally I would stay home with these winds. But I am on such a streak that I hated having an empty square. Also, Ryan went out so I felt I had to go.
I went out CLR to BBD. Windy.
Headwind on BBD was really bad. The wind was with me on SR56.
I went to Hueland Pond. It got windy again as the road turned west.
Tailwind along Mansfield let me go 17 mph and not feel any wind on my face.
8.08 miles 13.17 mph (13.4)
77° humidity 89% wind 7-10 WSW
I went out to BBD to SR56. The tailwind was nice on SR56 but didn't help on MPB.
I rode out to Union Park. Montgomery Bell south of Goddard is all construction zone.
The ride back was tough. The wind picked up and it was all headwind. I went from 14.2 to 13.7.
15.17 miles 13.62 mph
matthew left and took away the clouds
This week 70 miles
This year 1892 miles