20161016 cycling
/no empty blocks except sunday.
63° humidity 88% wind 6-7 N
Yay for cooler weather!
It was dark this morning and I needed my lights.
One loop.
Had to stop for ambulance on Mansfield. Ran into school traffic at JLMS. Two cars ahead stopped to let car turning left go. Car behind him snuck in behind him and cut me off. Asshole.
9.03 miles 13.53 mph
union park bridge
66° humidity 83% wind 7 N
Carrot Weather said wind was NW so I went out CLR to BBD. I ran into a headwind on SR56 and lost some speed. I gained it back when I turned on Hueland Pond. Headwind along Mansfield until it turned south
8.13 mph 13.01 mph
70° humidity 90% wind 5-10 NNE
More time to ride today. I went to Union Park and tried another road. Kids were waiting at the clubhouse for the bus. I rode around the park to avoid having to slow down or stop.
Wind was annoying and my legs were not up to the challenge.
13.2 miles
13.02 mph
not so sweet smoothie
Coffeeneuring #1
70° humidity 93% wind 7-8 NNE
Windy. Rode up to Union Park. Rode my usual route backwards.
Rode up SR56 in the road to Panera. I did the short loop at WRB. The road may be complete but I didn't try it.
Cyclist at Panera hoarding the line bike rack with a cover for his bike.
Ordered a Superfruit Smoothie. I don't really care for the tang of Greek yogurt but it is OK and the calorie count is low.
Panera has one lone bike rack. The patio is nice but SR56 runs along side and there is car noise.
Ugh. Don't slurp down Smoothie too quickly or risk a brain freeze!
The ride back was a bit rough. I had a headwind all along SR56 and most of Mansfield. I forgot to hit resume after the stop light and lost some mileage. I lost some speed but gained it back once I turned.
13.68 (bike computer)
13.2 (bike computer)
tasty but expensive smoothie
Coffeeneuring #2
77° humidity 88% wind 3-7 NE
I went out to Union Park. I stopped at the bird houses. They are interesting but I doubt many birds use them. They are probably too close together and not maintained. Accidentally hit resume and lost my average speed on Wahoo app.
Rode to SR56 to BBD. I went across BBD and then down to Smoothie King at CLR. I had never been before. I saw one bike chained to a street sign, a recumbent just sitting on the walk so I assumed there was no rack. I got off my bike and saw the rack, unused. I locked my bike and went inside. SK is nicer than I expected. They have loads of energy bars and protein canisters.
I got a Greek Yogurt with Strawberry and Bluberry. There were too many options. SK is expensive. A small Smoothie is over $5. I had a coupon and paid $3.20.
There is seating inside but it too cool to stay. There is no seating outside. I took my Smoothie and went home, against the wind.
15.13 miles
13 mph
the moon can be faintly seen beyond the bridge
72° humidity 92% wind 6 NE
Late start. But I wanted to ride.
Drizzle in the beginning but I kept my glasses on even though they were useless.
Rode one loop to Hueland Pond. Drizzle got heavier but I kept going. No stops.
8.40 miles 14.01 mph
This week 69.4
This year 1961