20161002 cycling
/Four weeks of filling in the squares! Yay!
i stopped at a different spot for a change of scenery
76° humidity 95% wind 2 ESE
A bit muggy but cooler than sitting in the house. (AC is being replaced today.) I rode out to Union Park. Too much traffic this morning.
Felt like I could keep riding.
11.18 miles 13.70 mph
74° humidity 94% wind 2 SE changed to 2 SW Felt stronger
Rode out to Union Park. Up to 14.1 mph until I stopped. I forgot to hit pause and average rate dropped below 13 mph! Also headwind was bad.
Sweaty ride.
11.19 miles 13.41 mph (14.0 bike computer)
the wood bridge at union park is kind of cool but it is not built for pedestrians nor bicycles
73° humidity 93% wind 3 SE
Late start, short ride.
The wind didn't bother me but the sun was right in my eyes.
I rode out Mansfield to Hueland Pond to SR56. The fence at the construction site fell over onto the path. I had to slow down but stayed on the path.
I pushed it trying to get to 14 mph.
6.09 miles 14.24 mph
76° humidity 90% wind 4 SSE-SSW
My body wanted to stay home.
I had to stop for a school bus at Hillhurst and Beardsley.
I stopped at Union Park.
I stopped again at the high point north of The Ridge. There was a strong headwind on SR56.
Construction worker walked right into my path without looking. I had to brake hard.
Stopped the last time for the light at Mansfield. My legs were shaky.
11.23 miles 13.31 mph
interesting clouds
75° humidity 94% wind 4 SSE
I forgot to look at the wind direction before I left. Headwind along Mansfield made me remember and I did a quick check whilst riding to make sure I was going in the right direction.
I rode out to Union Park. I went opposite and found construction traffic blocking most of Watoga Loop. I stopped at the parking lot to get a different shot of the bridge. The sun was in my eyes and I didn't notice my finger blocking part of the lens. D'oh.
Headwind on SR56. My legs just weren't into riding. I did my best to keep at a decent pace.
11.24 miles 13.58 mph (13.7)
the clubhouse at union park looks fun
there is a splash pad and park that promotes gathering
71° humidity 89% wind 4-5 NE
Cooler! And a bit windier.
I went out to Union Park. I rode to the back and found a path behind the clubhouse. It is nice but not made for bikes. It puddles from early morning irrigation from the houses and the concrete was broken in one spot. The only creatures I saw were a dead(?) catfish, and three sand hill cranes which flew away once I was too close to them. The path ends at a dirt road. I won't ride it again.
I lost some speed on the path and didn't feel like pushing it to gain it back.
I stopped at Mansfield and waited for the light. Only I got impatient and thought I could go early only to see the light change and had to turn around.
Headwind along Mansfield.
12.03 miles 13.52 mph (13.6)
another year complete for national bike challenge
This week: 62.9 miles
This year: 1822 miles