cycling week 40
Late start. (Mario Kart)
Start: Clear, 64°F, Feels like 65°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 2mph from NNE
End: Clear, 63°F, Feels like 64°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 2mph from NNE - by
Short loop.
8.23 miles
Start: Partly Cloudy, 62°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 89%, Wind 3mph from NNE
End: Clear, 61°F, Feels like 61°F, Humidity 90%, Wind 3mph from N - by
Cool and slow.
9.02 miles
Start: Clear, 61°F, Feels like 61°F, Humidity 91%, Wind 2mph from N
End: Clear, 60°F, Feels like 60°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 2mph from N - by
One loop.
9.02 miles
Start: Clear, 62°F, Feels like 63°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 4mph from NE
End: Clear, 62°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 93%, Wind 4mph from NE - by
Short ride. Bloody nose.
6.03 miles
Start: Clear, 62°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 93%, Wind 3mph from ENE
End: Clear, 61°F, Feels like 61°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 3mph from ENE - by
One loop. I could feel the bloody nose begin just as I was almost home.
9.02 miles
Start: Clear, 85°F, Feels like 86°F, Humidity 48%, Wind 8-9mph from ENE
End: Clear, 86°F, Feels like 86°F, Humidity 43%, Wind 8-11mph from E - by
Coffeeneuring #1
This is going to be a challenge for me because I am not riding long distances as I have in the past. There are 3 Starbucks within a short distance; 5 if I include Barnes & Noble and Target. I wish I liked coffee because that would be doable. But very few places make a good tea or hot cocoa.
I put on my new tire and tube on my new wheel. It is nice to be able to pedal without the added friction of a too tall tire hitting the frame.
I rode up Mansfield to WRB to SR54. WRB is not open yet but the road is paved and striped. And I did see two cars drive on the road, passed the road closed barricades.
I realized when I got here that I had forgotten my masks. I still wear them but t it has months since I went anywhere on my bike.
Short Pumpkin Spice Crème steamer with almonds milk.
I learned the other day that the cardboard wrap is called a zarf. I have used that word in scrabble without knowing what it means.
It is an old Turkish word: An ornamental container designed to hold a coffee cup and insulate it from the hand of the drinker. (
The first time I used one was in Poland. It was cold and we went into a cafe for coffee. I only drank hot cocoa which they didn't have. I got hot tea and it was served in a glass inside a metal zarf. I had to add a lot of sugar and learned to like it.
The steamer was OK. I will be glad when hot cocoa season starts in November.
The ride back was nice with the tailwind.
11.68 miles
Start: Clear, 86°F, Feels like 92°F, Humidity 59%, Wind 4-8mph from ENE
End: Partly Cloudy, 87°F, Feels like 93°F, Humidity 58%, Wind 4-7mph from ENE - by
One loop.
9.02 miles
This week 62 miles
This year 3,223 miles