cycling week 41

Start: Partly Cloudy, 71°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 86%, Wind 3mph from NNE
End: Partly Cloudy, 71°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 88%, Wind 3mph from NNE - by
One loop
9.02 miles

Start: Mostly Cloudy, 71°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 2-6mph from NE
End: Mostly Cloudy, 71°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 2-6mph from NE - by
One loop.
9.02 miles

Start: Partly Cloudy, 73°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 2mph from ENE
End: Mostly Cloudy, 72°F, Feels like 73°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 2mph from ENE - by
Flat tire on the 1220. (4 days!) I rode the 820 and did a short loop.
6.03 miles

Start: Humid and Overcast, 73°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 99%, Wind 2mph from WSW
End: Humid and Overcast, 72°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 100%, Wind 2mph from WNW - by
Didn't change my tire so I rode the 820 again. One loop.
9.02 miles

Start: Partly Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 71°F, Humidity 100%, Wind 3mph from N
End: Partly Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 70°F, Humidity 100%, Wind 3mph from NNE - by
One loop. 820
9.02 miles

Start: Humid and Partly Cloudy, 85°F, Feels like 91°F, Humidity 69%, Wind 4(10)mph from E
End: Humid and Partly Cloudy, 85°F, Feels like 92°F, Humidity 66%, Wind 4(9)mph from E - by
Changed my flat tire.
I got a new wheel last week. Fine for 4 days. Woke up to a flat on Wednesday. Too lazy so I went back to the other bike. Finally changed it today the first one popped before I got it back on the bike. That has never happened to me. I put on the second one and it popped a few houses down. It also popped. I went back and switched bikes.
I am thinking it is faulty tubes and maybe they were both from a bad lot. But I only have one tube left in that size.
One slow loop. Windy.
9.02 miles

Coffeenuering #2
Start: Clear, 87°F, Feels like 91°F, Humidity 54%, Wind 4(8)mph from ESE
End: Clear, 88°F, Feels like 91°F, Humidity 52%, Wind 4(7)mph from ESE - by
Wind coming from the east and I will not be biking to Zephyrhills. And it is after 2 and I have little motivation to ride. I think I will do an easy ride and go to Shoppes at New Tampa.
Rode to SR56 then west to BBD. Breezy.
Couldn't get the app to find a store. I tried rebooting my phone. I finally had to connect to the wifi. This area has terrible service.
Order a short steamed almond milk with toffee nut syrup.
Drink was pretty good. Short is a good size. I am not riding long enough to justify anything larger.
Rode back BBD to CLR. Lots of traffic lights.
8.84 miles

This week 60 miles

This year 3,283 miles