20170723 cycling

looking north at mansfield and SR56 

looking north at mansfield and SR56 

74° humidity 96% wind 3 SE
One loop. Uneventful. 
9.02 miles
12.32 mph

union park

union park

75° humidity 94% wind 3 SE
Distracted by work scheduling thoughts. The ride passed by quickly
13.22 miles
12.56 mph

looking northwest at mansfield and sr56

looking northwest at mansfield and sr56

76° humidity 93% wind 2 E
Only time for a short ride. 
6.54 miles
12.95 mph

union park

union park

77° humidity 92% wind 3 SE
Hazy. Had to takeoff my glasses. Steamy ponds. 
13.27 miles
12.55 mph

union park

union park

74° humidity 96% wind 3 SE
Tired. Not much energy. 
13.26 miles
12.54 mph

looking we at mansfield and sr56

looking we at mansfield and sr56

77° humidity 91% wind 4 SSE
Hot, windy. 
14.04 miles
12.44 mph

washout at the ridge

washout at the ridge

77° humidity 91% wind 6 S
I didn't want to ride but didn't want to end my streak. 
Cloudy and windy and a few sprinkles. 
7.45 miles
11.56 mph

This week 76.7
This year 1801