20170716 cycling



74° humidity 95% wind 4 SE
Late start, I took the shortcut at The Ridge. Stopped and took a photo. Started again and turned a corner to find a palm tree blocking the path. Glad I wasn't going faster. 
7.41 miles
12.1 mph

and they didn't even seem to care. they left all the zip ties on the ground.

and they didn't even seem to care. they left all the zip ties on the ground.

75° humidity 96% wind 4 ESE
Warm and windy. I rode to Union Park. There were construction vehicles in the new section so I stayed out. 
They were removing the construction fencing at Behavioral Health and blocking the MUP. 
12.36 miles
12.04 mph

union park

union park

75° humidity 96% wind 3 ENE
Sunny and humid. Not much energy. 
No obstacles today. 
There was a crash at Mansfield and CLR. 
13.49 miles
11.84 mph

SR56 entension

SR56 entension

75° humidity 95% wind 5 NE
Windy. Short ride because of work. 
6.07 miles
11.74 mph

storms forming along the cost

storms forming along the cost

76° humidity 98% wind 7 E
Mostly cloudy and windy. 
Mind wandering most of the ride. 
13.25 miles
12.36 mph

union park

union park

75° humidity 97% wind 4 E
One loop. Good pace. Nearly clipped by car turning left from Stetson to CLR. I almost lost control as I rode over the curb. 
9.05 miles
12.44 mph

78° humidity 95% wind 3 SE
Met Dee. She lives in MPI. I passed her on SR56 and then she kept up with my to Mansfield. She went straight when I turned. I forgot to hit pause when we stopped at the light. 
13.21 miles
12.1+ mph
This week 74.8
This year 1724