20170205 cycling
51° humidity 89% wind 5-7 NNW
Cold and windy. Should have worn my gloves.
Chest was tight when I was on BBD. Thought about cutting the ride short but everything evened out.
Stopped to rest and accidently hit end instead of pause on Apple Watch.
11.14 miles
11.57 mph
Too cold to ride before work.
Too cold to ride before taking Andy to the dentist.
52° humidity 93% wind 3 NE
I didn't want to ride but I went out. Thoughts drifting and I ended up doing 12 miles.
12.44 miles
12.29 mph
61° humidity 89% wind 2 NE
I was dressed too warmly.
My Wahoo App stopped reading the sensors.
12.25 miles
12.75 mph
60° humidity 95% wind 4 N
Short ride because I had to work early. Grey and breezy.
8.44 miles
12.30 mph
I slept in and didn't have time to ride before breakfast. I was lazy and didn't go out until dinner. I rode my 820 to Wiregrass and met a friend for frozen yogurt. I didn't have bike lights (I moved them to the 1220) and rode home in the dark. I stayed on the path and sidewalk most of the way.
7.77 miles