2025 cycling week 8
/Feb 17-23
The week didn’t start out well because I had to deal with the flat tire. Because the mornings were colder, I planned to ride after lunch. I figured I would have a short ride on Monday once I changed the tire. Except that it took way too long to get it done.
I had never removed a tire front my bike. I had to call the LBS to get some help on removing the axle. Unscrewing only got it to come out about an inch. Danny told me you just have to pull hard.
Once that was done, I couldn’t get the tire off the wheel. I went to a neighbor’s house and he tried but just broke one of my tire levers. I went to the LBS. Danny was at lunch but someone else showed me how to loosen the tire and get it off. Schwalbe tires are amazing for their durability but that are a bitch to remove and put on the wheels.
I got home just in time for a work call.
Later, I tried putting the wheels back on the bike. Why is it so hard? I called the LBS and got some pointers. Finally, it was back on and time to quit work (my afternoons are generally slow) and ride.
I decided to add a few more miles to my route so I could catch up to my weekly goal. I did the same route Tuesday through Thursday after lunch.
I had an eye doctor appointment on Friday so I rode there. I went to Target to get some of the grocery shopping done early.
i went to five guys on saturday. i rode to sprouts before even though i didn’t need much. i needed a longer ride to justify the fries.
I did two errand rides on Saturday and a longer errand ride on Sunday. I stopped for ice cream on Sunday and didn’t like the full feeling in my stomach on the way home.
frozen custard at rita’s ice on sunday
This week 110 miles
This year 774 miles
Streak 1,821 days