2024 cycling week 43
/My chain started slipping over the weekend. It seemed like I just got it replaced so I checked my mileage. It was about 1,500 miles ago. This is frustrating. The first chain that came with the bike lasted 3,500 miles. The second one lasted 2,500 miles. I seeing a pattern and I don’t like it.
Since I didn’t want to ride to Oliver’s after work, I rode slower in the mornings. Anytime I pushed, the chain would slip. It didn’t add much time to my ride, about 5 minutes, but it felt so slow! And my heart rate was down as well. I even tried a larger ring that I do not use and the chain slipped. I am wondering if this was the first time Danny installed the chain and didn’t get it tight enough?
On Friday, I shifted work earlier and rode my bike to Oliver’s in the afternoon. Randy tried an adjustment but it didn’t help much. James then took the Fetch out for spin and the chain broke. He said that it might have been that faulty link. And he also said I need to lubricate it more often. (I have been very neglectful this summer) It felt so good on the way to Target then home.
I only did a ride to Publix on Saturday morning.
On Sunday, I did my fourth Coffeeneuring ride in the afternoon. I rode up Starbucks on Curley. It was 24 miles of beautiful sky.
This week 113 miles
This year 4,749 miles
Streak 1,702 days