2023 cycling week 27
Start: Partly cloudy, 74°F, Feels like 85°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 3-6mph from E
End: Mostly clear, 74°F, Feels like 85°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 3-6mph from E - by Klimat.app
Alligator and wild boars are vocal.
One loop.
9.02 miles
Start: Partly sunny, 74°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 2-5mph from W
End: Partly sunny, 74°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 2-5mph from W - by Klimat.app
9.02 miles
Start: Mostly clear, 76°F, Feels like 85°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 3-5mph from NNE
End: Mostly clear, 76°F, Feels like 85°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 3-5mph from NNE - by Klimat.app
Hot and muggy.
One loop.
9.02 miles
Start: Partly cloudy, 75°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 3-7mph from W
End: Partly cloudy, 75°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 3-7mph from W - by Klimat.app
Slow. Tired.
One loop.
9.02 miles
Start: Mostly clear, 77°F, Feels like 90°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 4-5 mph from SW
End: Mostly clear, 77°F, Feels like 90°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 4-5 mph from SW - by Klimat.app
Some wind. Muggy.
9.02 miles
Start: Partly cloudy, 76°F, Feels like 89°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 5-8 SW
End: Mostly cloudy, 76°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 6-9 SW - by Klimat.app
Supposed to rain? I put my iPhone in the plastic bag and knew I couldn't shoot well through it. It was mostly cloudy anyway.
Then I saw the sun try to peel through and it showed some nice colors on the clouds.
I unbagged my phone and took so photos but they weren't great.
9.02 miles
Start: Partly cloudy, 75°F, Feels like 83°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 6-12mph from SSW
End: Partly sunny, 76°F, Feels like 87°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 6-12mph from W - by Klimat.app
9.02 miles
This week 63 miles
This year 1,334 miles
Streak 1226 days