2023 cycling week 48
Start: Cloudy, 63°F, Feels like 60°F, Humidity 93%, Wind 9 (22) mph from NNW
Very windy.
Two loops.
16.33 miles
15.8 mph
Mostly clear, 48°F, Feels like 46°F, Humidity 81%, Wind 6 (17) mph from N
Cold. I layered up and was warm enough for a full loop +.
13.87 miles
15.6 mph
PM ride
Sunny, 65°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 36%, Wind 4 (9) mph from N
One large loop.
11.36 miles
16.2 mph
PM ride
Mostly sunny, 74°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 49%, Wind 7 (12) mph from SE
Large loop. Got stuck in school traffic twice.
Warmer, less wind.
13.36 miles
16.1 mph
This month 541 miles
Start: Mostly clear, 58°F, Feels like 58°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 4 (11) mph from E
End: Mostly clear, 58°F, Feels like 58°F, Humidity 96%, Wind 4 (11) mph from E
Two loops
16:36 miles
15.9 mph
Start: Cloudy, 77°F, Feels like 83°F, Humidity 89%, Wind 10 (15) mph from SE
End: Mostly cloudy, 79°F, Feels like 86°F, Humidity 84%, Wind 8 (15) mph from SSE
Cloudy and windy. Took the very long way to Fresh Market for honey.
24.77 miles
15.8 mph
Start: Mostly cloudy, 76°F, Feels like 82°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 10 (13) mph from S
End: Mostly cloudy, 79°F, Feels like 84°F, Humidity 78%, Wind 7 (14) mph from WSW
Warm and windy.
Rode down to Tampa Palms. They replaced Tampa Palms Blvd but removed the bike lane in favor of sharrows.
24.61 miles
16.3 mph
This week 118 miles
This year 3,417 miles
Streak 1373 days