2023 cycling week 45
Clear, 46°F, Feels like 50°F, Humidity 97%, Wind 4 (10) mph from N
Did one loop then felt the flutter.
Did a short loop
13.8 miles
15.1 mph
Start: Clear, 52°F, Feels like 52°F, Humidity 90%, Wind 4 (8) mph from NNE
End: Clear, 52°F, Feels like 52°F, Humidity 90%, Wind 3 (7) mph from NNE
New base layer kept me warm enough with a sweatshirt.
Used up the battery as I got back to Stetson.
I probably should have ridden a bit longer in Tour instead of being lazy and riding in Auto.
16.29 miles
15.3 mph
Start: Clear, 52°F, Feels like 55°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 4 (7) mph from NE
End: Clear, 52°F, Feels like 55°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 4 (7) mph from NE
Two loops.
16.30 miles
15.3 mph
Start: Clear, 57°F, Feels like 57°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 4mph from NE
End: Clear, 57°F, Feels like 57°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 4mph from NE
Two loops
16.29 miles
15.5 mph
Start: Mostly cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 3 (6) mph from E
End: Mostly cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 3 (6) mph from E
Warmer today. Two loops.
16.27 miles
15.8 mph
Coffeeneuring #11 (bonus)
Start: Drizzle (nope) , 72°F, Feels like 81°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 5-9 E mph from N
Rode down to Cross Creek to Morris Bridge.
I rode through Flatwoods. The weather was beautiful and the park was busy.
Crème Brûlée steamer and pumpkin loaf.
I thought about going into Sprouts but I took my mask out of the bag. I can go tomorrow. End: Mostly cloudy, 76°F, Feels like 85°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 5-7 mph from SSE
Ride home had more red lights.
21.4 miles
15.8 mph
Coffeeneuring #12 (bonus)
Start: Partly sunny, 71°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 6-12 mph from NE
Rode MPB to SR54
Traffic wasn't too bad.
I feel like most cars give me wide birth because of my wide bike.
I stopped at Starbucks. I got a Peppermint Crème with chocolate curls. And a chocolate croissant. (Why does the food always come so early? It is no longer warm by the time I get my drink.)
Drinks wasn't very creamy. And no extra whip.
End: Mostly sunny, 75°F, Feels like 80°F, Humidity 87%, Wind 8 -12 mph from NNE
I rode back through Seven Oaks. I haven't been through in over a year. Nothing has changed.
19.8 miles
15.7 mph
This week 120 miles
This year 3,037 miles
Streak 1,352 days