2023 cycling week 4
Start: Mostly cloudy, 62°F, Feels like 66°F, Humidity 91%, Wind 5-11mph from N
End: Mostly cloudy, 62°F, Feels like 66°F, Humidity 91%, Wind 6-12mph from N - by Klimat.app
Colder than I dressed for.
Short loop.
6.03 miles
Start: Partly sunny, 73°F, Feels like 73°F, Humidity 52%, Wind 10-17mph from ESE
End: Partly sunny, 73°F, Feels like 73°F, Humidity 52%, Wind 10-17mph from ESE - by Klimat.app
Two loops through the neighborhood
2.32 miles
Start: Partly sunny, 83°F, Feels like 84°F, Humidity 47%, Wind 17-30mph from S
End: Partly sunny, 83°F, Feels like 84°F, Humidity 47%, Wind 17-30mph from S - by Klimat.app
Ugh. I had a flat that should not have been difficult to change. But 2 years ago, I got a new wheel and didn't notice that they didn't give me one with quick release. WTH. Thankfully I was at home and had the wrenches. The new tire was very difficult to get on the new wheel. Then I had trouble getting the wheel onto the bike. So frustrating.
I finally go out to ride. Seems OK until I hit smoother pavement and can feel something is off with the tire. I turn back home.
I was too lazy at this point to take the whole thing apart and try again. I went out but stayed in the neighborhood in case I had a problem. I did 4 loops.
5.35 miles
Start: Mostly cloudy, 60°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 6-17mph from WNW
End: Mostly cloudy, 60°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 6-15mph from WNW - by Klimat.app
Took a chance and rode the short loop. I could still feel the unevenness of the tire but it held.
6.03 miles
2pm Ride with Andy
Start: Sunny, 61°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 32%, Wind 12mph from N
End: Sunny, 61°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 32%, Wind 12mph from N - by Klimat.app
Two loops around the neighborhood with Andy
2.30 miles
Start: Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 54%, Wind 9-17mph from NE
End: Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 54%, Wind 9-16mph from NE - by Klimat.app
Slow, easy ride. (Tire still wonky)
6.03 miles
Start: Sunny, 82°F, Feels like 83°F, Humidity 49%, Wind 9-13mph from SE
End: Sunny, 83°F, Feels like 84°F, Humidity 48%, Wind 9-12mph from SE - by Klimat.app
K-bar Ranch
8.91 miles
This week 37 miles
This year 170 miles
Current streak 1,065 days