2023 cycling week 2

Start: Fog, 51°F, Feels like 58°F, Humidity 99%, Wind 3mph from N
End: Fog, 49°F, Feels like 53°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 3mph from N - by Klimat.app
Foggy. Rode to Estancia and back.
8.19 miles

Start: Fog, 48°F, Feels like 52°F, Humidity 99%, Wind 3-8mph from N
End: Fog, 48°F, Feels like 52°F, Humidity 99%, Wind 3-8mph from N - by Klimat.app
Cold & foggy.
Rode up to Estancia.
9.21 miles

4 pm
Birthday treat from Starbucks @ Target
Start: Sunny, 75°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 25%, Wind 4mph from SSW
End: Sunny, 75°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 25%, Wind 2mph from N - by Klimat.app
Starbucks only gives you 1 days to redeem your birthday treat. Our local place is closed so I rode to Target.
I waited in line; Only 1 barista. I got a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino with oat milk. Very tasty.
I rode home right away in order to get home for dinner.
5 miles

Start: Sunny, 77°F, Feels like 77°F, Humidity 42%, Wind 10mph from S
End: Sunny, 77°F, Feels like 77°F, Humidity 42%, Wind 10mph from S - by Klimat.app
Short ride during the afternoon break.
2.31 miles

9am break
Start: Cloudy, 64°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 9-20mph from W
End: Cloudy, 64°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 9-20mph from W - by Klimat.app
Two plus loops around the neighborhood
2.31 miles

Start: Cloudy, 51°F, Feels like 49°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 15-24mph from NW
Bitter cold and windy.
Two loops in the neighborhood.
2.31 miles

Start: Sunny, 58°F, Feels like 59°F, Humidity 31%, Wind 5-9mph from WNW
End: Sunny, 58°F, Feels like 59°F, Humidity 31%, Wind 5-9mph from WNW - by Klimat.app
Still cold.
4.35 miles

This week 35 miles

This year 98 miles