20211226 cycling

Start: Overcast, 68°F, Feels like 69°F, Humidity 93%, Wind 8-15mph from NNE
End: Overcast, 67°F, Feels like 68°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 9-15mph from NNE - by Klimat.app
Very windy. 
Two loops. 
15.46 miles

Start: Overcast, 65°F, Feels like 66°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 13-22mph from NW
End: Overcast, 65°F, Feels like 65°F, Humidity 93%, Wind 13-22mph from NW - by Klimat.app
Windy. Cold and wet. 
A short ride. 
6 miles 

Start: Clear, 62°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 66%, Wind 11-16mph from NW
End: Clear, 61°F, Feels like 61°F, Humidity 65%, Wind 11-16mph from NW - by Klimat.app
Very windy and cold. 
Short ride. 
6 miles 

Start: Clear, 67°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 37%, Wind 6-8mph from NNE
End: Clear, 67°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 38%, Wind 6-8mph from NNE - by Klimat.app
Short ride. Chilly. 
6 miles 

Start: Clear, 75°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 42%, Wind 6-8mph from SE
End: Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 40%, Wind 5-7mph from SSE - by Klimat.app
Rode to Flatwoods. One loop. 
21.33 miles 
13.3 mph 

Start: Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 52%, Wind 9-12mph from WSW
End: Clear, 75°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 54%, Wind 9-12mph from WSW - by Klimat.app
Rode to Tampa Palms. 
21.43 miles 
13.2 mph 

Start: Partly Cloudy, 77°F, Feels like 78°F, Humidity 60%, Wind 8-11mph from WNW
End: Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 62%, Wind 9-11mph from WNW - by Klimat.app
Carrot weather reported a western wind so I rode to Tampa Palms. I rode on Squire because it looked like it went through. Now I see it was a cart path for the golf course. I rode on the path by the utility easement. It was rough and didn't go to far. I won't do that again. 
Rode to Starbucks hoping for one last chestnut praline. It was out of stock. 
Some old guy is always looking at me when I look up. And he looks angry.
Service is very slow. 
Ugh. Finally got my drink and there is coffee in there. I hate coffee. I took it back so they could remake it.
Better. Not as good as chestnut praline but better than coffee. 
I rode back SR56 to Mansfield in order to not cross BBD twice and to get over 100 miles this week. 
25.55 miles 

This week 101 miles 
This year 5,862 miles