20211128 cycling
Start: Partly Cloudy, 66°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 100%, Wind 4-9mph from NNE
End: Partly Cloudy, 65°F, Feels like 66°F, Humidity 100%, Wind 3-9mph from N - by Klimat.app
Misty. Two loops.
15.46 miles
13.0 mph
Start: Clear, 63°F, Feels like 63°F, Humidity 47%, Wind 11-17mph from NNE
End: Clear, 61°F, Feels like 61°F, Humidity 49%, Wind 10-16mph from NNE - by Klimat.app
Cold and windy. One loop.
9.02 miles
13.1 mph
Start: Partly Cloudy, 70°F, Feels like 70°F, Humidity 55%, Wind 10-14mph from ENE
End: Partly Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 69°F, Humidity 58%, Wind 9-12mph from ENE - by Klimat.app
One loop.
9.02 miles
13.6 mph
Coffeeneuring (I lost track of the count)
Start: Partly Cloudy, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 50%, Wind 5-7mph from E
End: Mostly Cloudy, 75°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 50%, Wind 4-6mph from ENE - by Klimat.app
Planned on a shorter ride but felt good and wind was light so I rode to Zephyrhills. I figured traffic would be lightest today and I wouldn't anger too many drivers because there is no shoulder or bike lanes on Morris Bridge and Chancey.
It took three tries to find a drink that wasn't sold out of some syrup. I am not sure why they let you add the syrup when it is out.
Chestnut Praline Crème and marshmallow bar.
The ride back was fine. Not much tailwind.
31.09 miles
13.4 mph
Start: Partly Cloudy, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Humidity 52%, Wind 9-13mph from W
End: Partly Cloudy, 74°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 57%, Wind 10-13mph from WNW - by Klimat.app
Plans keep changing once I am on the bike, lol. I rode to BBD to Tampa Palms and back to Starbucks at Hunter's Green.
Once again, the syrups I wanted were OOS but it doesn't tell you until after you customer and go to checkout. Caramel Brûlée Crème. The drink was very good!
Five fast miles home.
21.66 miles
13.4 mph
Start: Clear, 67°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 29%, Wind 5-6mph from N
End: Clear, 70°F, Feels like 70°F, Humidity 26%, Wind 5-6mph from N - by Klimat.app
North wind. I rode to BBD and through Seven Oaks to SR54.
Chilly. Glad I wore long sleeves. Starbucks for Steamed Almond Milk wit Caramel Sauce and Chocolate Curls.
Drink is meh.
I rode SR54 to Fox Ridge and through the development. Then I took Chancey back to MPB and home.
20.99 miles
13.3 mph
Start: Mostly Cloudy, 68°F, Feels like 68°F, Humidity 33%, Wind 6-7mph from NW
End: Mostly Cloudy, 66°F, Feels like 66°F, Humidity 41%, Wind 7-10mph from NW - by Klimat.app
Very late start. Decided a short ride was OK for my last coffeeneuring.
Rode Mansfield to Chancey through Seven Oaks and back south BBD.
Overcast and cool. At least it wasn't too windy.
Didn't even try for the other syrups. Just ordered a Chestnut Praline Crème.
Oh wow. I thought I ordered Caramel Brûlée but am glad I got the Chestnut Praline instead. She gave me venti cup so I got a lot more whipped cream
I rode back SR56 to Mansfield.
16.00 miles
13.1 mph
This week 123 miles
This year 5,420 miles