20190630 cycling
/I finished the month stronger than I started it. I am glad I figured out why I felt so weak in the beginning. I must eat more protein at night.
71° humidity 92% wind 2SW
One big loop. My legs were strong though my left knee has started to hurt when I push hard.
12.03 miles
12.4 mph
82° humidity 85% wind 9 NW
Heat index 106°
Hot. No clouds for any shade.
I felt good despite the heat until mile 20. I just don't want to go any farther.
22.80 miles
11.6 mph
78° humidity 83% wind 1-3 NW
Felt strong again despite the heat.
Pushed it a bit. Shorter ride because I have an appointment at 11.
15.68 miles
12.5 mph
76° humidity 82% wind 4-5 NE
Less protein lass night didn't affect my ride. Then again, my lunch made up for it.
Short ride, swimming later in too-warm water.
12.62 miles
12.4 mph
75° humidity 86% wind 4-7E 7 SE
Some wind. Cooled me down and slowed me done. Stopped at MPIII and watched some kids learn tennis. I miss playing but know my ankle would never hold up.
Three smaller loops.
22.97 miles
77° humidity 87% wind 3-7-E
I should have started earlier but I just couldn't get myself moving.
I got to SR56 and MPB and decided to try the SR56 extension. It is complete but not open yet. I figured the MUP would be fine.
There were crews working on signage, the reflective grit on the striping and some other stuff.
I saw 9 other cyclists. The majority were riding in the ride in the wrong direction!
It is 3 miles from MPB to Morris Bridge. Then 3 more miles to 301. I had a headwind the entire way.
I stopped at 301 and had an RXBar. Then I went back. There didn't to seem much tailwind.
20.80 miles
74° humidity 94% wind 2-3 E
I woke up "late" at 5:11 so I got up and rode right away. Just a short and slow loop.
9.09 miles
This week 115.9 miles
This month 454 miles
This year 2984 miles