20180527 cycling
/Summer is closing in. The weather has gotten warmer and more humid.
71° humidity 97% wind 5-6 E
Muggy and no desire to ride. I kept pedaling. Eventually I felt good again.
Headwind along Mansfield
9.08 miles
12.5 mph
72° humidity 97% wind 6-8 SE
Humid and windy. It took a while to get my rhythm.
I stopped the Apple Watch when I stopped at 7 miles. I started a new activity for the second half of the ride. Yes, a cheat. I want to be sure I make my challenge goal for 30 activities this month.
Headwind along Mansfield
I got stuck at both cross walks by the crossing guards.
14.05 miles
12.4 mph
75° humidity 87% wind 5-6 SE
Warm, sunny and windy.
Changed the battery in my cadence sensor.
Wore a sleeveless shirt so my hair tickled my shoulders.
Pumped up the tires so it may have been easier to ride.
14.09 miles
13 mph
71° humidity 96% wind 1-2 E
Quick ride before work. Not much traffic.
9.07 miles
12.7 mph
72° humidity 98% wind 3-4 E
One loop. Not much traffic, last day of school.
9.02 miles
12.5 mph
71° humidity 97% wind 4-8 E 6-13 SE
Overcast and windy. My head started to hurt as I peddled. There is a tropical storm in the gulf affecting our weather.
Light traffic.
Headwind along Mansfield and drizzle started. It started to rain as I approached Allegro.
9.10 miles
12.7 mph
75° humidity 94% wind 13-19 E
The rain started as I was passing The Ridge.
13.78 miles
12.6 mph
This week 78.2
This year 1418