20180218 cycling


A good week for riding except for the fog. I was very happy to see the sun come out on Sunday.

69° humidity 96% wind 6-8 SE
Windy wasn’t as bad. Sun was rising. 
8.4 miles
12.8 mph

overcast at union park

overcast at union park

72° humidity 92% wind 4 E-SE
Rode to Union Park. 
Headwind along Mansfield
12.7 miles
12.7 mph

i really miss the sun

i really miss the sun

65° humidity 92% wind 6 SE
Wind seemed stronger than reported or maybe I was just too tired to fight it. Rode to Union Park. 
12.7 miles
12.1 mph


64° humidity 94% wind 5-8 SE
Foggy and chilly. Moisture’s collected on my sweatshirt and glasses. 
Cars not stopping along SR56. Three times I had to slow down or stop because they didn’t feel the need to heed the signs. Headwind along Mansfield
9.0 miles
12.5 mph

the ride started out foggy but the sun broke through

the ride started out foggy but the sun broke through

66° humidity 86% wind?? Not much but kept changing direction! Always against me. 
I pumped up the tires and maybe that increased my speed? 
12.8 miles
13.4 mph

62° humidity 96% wind 1 SE
Heavy fog. I could see the moisture in the light beam so I took off my glasses before I started riding. 
One loop. 
9.0 miles
12.5 mph

Activity app not showing Apple Watch readings. Apple Watch dinged that I got my move ring closed. I got home
And Activity app said I had 25% to go. 

the sun is back and so is my energy

the sun is back and so is my energy

63° humidity 91% wind 2 SE
The sun was out! Quick loop. My legs were pedaling fast but it didn’t feel like the effort my heart reported. 
8.4 miles
13.4 mph

This week 73.3 miles
This year 394 miles