20181223 cycling


Another cold and lazy week. It was cold in the mornings so I waited to ride. But the longer I waited, the less I wanted to ride and the more the wind picked up. I was happy to see the wind go away by the end of the week.


64° humidity 66% wind 2-3 NE
Except when I started riding, I realized the wind was coming for the west so I changed direction. Our weather station wind is not very accurate. When I stopped on Chancey, the wind was 6 NW my hands were cold and I just didn't feel like fighting the wind so I did a shorter ride. =
10.24 miles
12.7 mph


72° humidity 37% wind 1-2 E 1-3 N 1-3 W
Wind kept changing direction so it was always a headwind. But it wasn't strong so it wasn't a problem.
14.02 miles
12.6 mph


73° humidity 51% wind 8-11 SE
It started raining and I began. It drizzled and sprinkled the entire ride. After a few miles, the roads were wet enough and sprayed up my back. I cut my ride short.
12.68 miles
12.8 mph


63° humidity 100% wind 3-8 S
I saw that the rain had stopped so I quickly changed my clothes and got on the bike. The rain started a block away from home and never stopped. But it was light so I kept going. The wind got stronger as I turned to go home.
8.63 miles
11.5 mph


57° humidity 80% wind 18-28 SW
Rained stopped for a bit but the wind started. I even saw some blue sky but not in the direction I was heading.
Riding back along BBD at Oak Preserve, the light was red for me so I slowed down. The cars turning left had gone and their light turned red. I started to pedal again and a car came flying out and I couldn't stop. I braked but bumped into the side of his car and went down. I bumped my head and twisted my handlebars. Apple Watch knew I fell down and asked if I needed help. I apologized to the driver forgetting that the light was red for him. I fixed my handlebars and rode home. I have a bump on the back of my head. That's a good sign right?
10.14 miles
11.6 mph


60° humidity 62% wind 9-10 NW
Sunny but still chilly especially with the wind. I rode through Seven Oaks to SR54. =
Not much tailwind.
14.43 miles
12.1 mph


66° humidity 41% wind 2-4 N
Beautiful day but I still didn't feel like riding. But that always changes once I have been pedaling for 5-10 minutes. I should have gone out earlier because the sun was in my eyes a lot.
15.16 miles
12.2 mph

This week 84.3 miles
This year 3569 miles