20181111 cycling
/Another pretty good week of riding. I finished Coffeeneuring 2018 and got to 91 miles. I feel like my average speed has increased.
Coffeeneuring #7
74° humidity 92% wind 5-6 SE
Beautiful day though breezy.
Coming down fast from The Ridge. Driver on crosswalk. I thought she turned and saw me so I began to ride in front of her. Then she started to move too! I had to swerve and brake not to hit her. I was pissed. She stopped and yelled through her window that she didn't see me and asked if I was alright. I was angry but OK. Sigh
I rode to Panera and got a bagel and a smoothie. I wanted a scone but the bagel was about half the calories.
Headwind all the way home.
18.77 miles
12.4 mph
71° humidity 93% wind 2-3 SE
Beautiful day.
Was riding hard and fast. Felt the glitch and then tachycardia started at mile 10 and didn't quit. Odd but bright HRM picked it up for 5-10 minutes. I might have averaged over 13 mph but I backed off a bit when my heart started racing.
15.0 miles
12.8 mph
70° humidity 93% wind 1-2 E
Beautiful day.
14.89 miles
12.7 mph
71° humidity 95% wind 2E
Sunny and humid. Only time for a short ride so I tried to push it but didn't have a lot of energy. Saw two calves feeding by the fence. I went to stop but the white calf turned away and ran and the block calf followed.
9.04 miles
12.7 mph
72° humidity 94% wind 3-5 SE
Felt windier today. I didn't feel like going into a headwind along Mansfield but wanted to get in 15 miles. I did a couple extra miles along Oldwoods then road back Beardsley. I played leapfrog with a school bus and won.
15.17 miles
12.8 mph
72° humidity 97% wind 2-3 N
Foggy. Tired.
Short ride because I work early today.
9.07 miles
12.6 mph
68° humidity 79% wind 6-7 NE
Cooler but windy. My mind was thinking of other things and I was getting excited to be creative and rode hard.
9.07 miles
12.8 mph
This week 91 miles
This year 3041 miles