20170903 cycling
76° humidity 98% wind 4 SW
Short so I can go into work early. Ugh.
Overcast and gloomy.
7.37 miles
13.19 mph
75° humidity 97% wind 4 S
I went out to BBD. It is slightly downhill so I can build up a good average speed.
Light rain started on Mansfield.
7.35 miles
13.13 mph
73° humidity 95% wind 2 SE
It felt cooler. Maybe it was just the fog. Glasses fogged up a little but I left them on. Truck blocking sidewalk at Union Park. He was still there, with it running, when I went out again.
12.98 miles
12.73 mph
75° humidity 95% wind 4 SE
Union Park. Had to ride the last loop trying to avoid a sweeper. He turned around and had to stop for me anyway. Oops.
Pushed it but lost some speed because of headwind along Mansfield
13.25 miles
13.04 mph
This month 545 km (339 miles)
74° humidity 99% wind 5 SE
No energy to push. Sunny and keeping my head down almost ran into a jogger who was running in the street. Sigh.
8.42 miles
12.84 mph
73° humidity 98% wind?? Felt like 5 NE
Legs were not on this ride. I couldn't push if I wanted to.
Wet roads from overnight rains.
12.94 miles
12.28 mph
75° humidity 93% wind 4 ESE
Still tired. It took 30 minutes to get to 12 mph average speed.
Montgomery Bell still flooded in the south end of Union Park.
13.2 miles
12.52 mph
This week 75.4
This year 2254