20171112 coffeeneuring #6

wet, gloomy ride

wet, gloomy ride

70° humidity 80% wind 9 ENE


The roads were wet and the sky was grey but bright. The wind was annoying. I went out towards Union Park. It started sprinkling and I had to take off my glasses. By the time I got to SR56. I was completely wet. 

no place to lock my bike. i was hoping that it was early enough and wet enough that no one was willing to ride it away but me.

no place to lock my bike. i was hoping that it was early enough and wet enough that no one was willing to ride it away but me.

I rode with the wind to BBD. I cut through the parking lot to Shell. 
Even though Shell is close, I rarely go there because the gas is expensive. 
There is no bike rack, no tables nor places to sit. This is a get it and get out kind of place. 

having "big gulp" pasted to the tea urn makes it seem a little less desirable

having "big gulp" pasted to the tea urn makes it seem a little less desirable

I went in and was chilled by the AC. They have fountain drinks and coffee and iced tea. I went to grab a cup and was surprised to see it was branded 7 Eleven. I got some unsweetened tea and stood in line. But I left empty handed because their system was down and would only accept cash. I don’t carry cash. I rarely even carry my debit card. Oh well I was cold and wet and just wanted to be home. 

20171112 bike.PNG

15.67 miles
12.35 mph