20171001 cycling
/bus picking up kids at union park
Still struggling to get any speed. At least I was (barely) over 12 mph this week.
construction outside of union park
76° humidity 93% wind 3 NE
Windy, cloudy.
Headwind along Mansfield was fierce.
12.94 miles
12.14 mph
mum along sr56
73° humidity 94% wind 1 ENE
More humid and less windy. Still, the effort I put in should have gotten me over 13 mph and even closer to 14 mph.
9.03 miles
12.23 mph
clear skies at union park
74° humidity 93% wind 1 NE
A little better. I was able to get over 12 mph but I still had to work for it.
12.91 miles
12.28 mph
waiting for the light at sr56 and mansfield
73° humidity 93% wind 1 ENE
Steamy ponds. Sunrise might have been nice if I had the time to stop.
Seems easier to push.
9.01 miles
12.50 mph
union park
72° humidity 93% wind 5 E
Wind was annoying but I kept pushing. Finally caught up to 12 mph at mile 10 and almost lost my gain on Mansfield. Headwind along Mansfield.
12.85 miles
12.06 mph
sunrise along mansfield and sr56
74° humidity 95% wind 3 NW
I went out CLR to BBD then to SR56.
8.58 miles
12.16 mph
another month of no missed rides
480 km
298.26 miles
union park
78° humidity 92% wind 4+ ESE
Wind felt stronger than 4 mph. It was annoying as I kept losing speed.
Gained some back going west but still had to push to stay at 12 mph. Headwind along Mansfield.
13.23 miles
12.00 mph
This week 78.5 miles
This year 2532 miles