20160214 cycling
/Monday was too cold to ride before work.
I didn't have to work but it was cold and windy.
50° wind 13 W feels like 47°!
I did the big loop clockwise. It was cold. I couldn't seem to get my HR up.
MUP is torn up where Hueland Pond Blvd will connect to SR56. The bike lane is also torn up until they pave the turn lane. A driver in a Mercedes honked at me. Ass.
My hands and feet were really cold. It was mostly cloudy so the sun didn't warm.
11 miles 13.1 mph
Off to a late start because it was very cold.
Cold and windy.
49° wind 4 NW ?
Stronger gusts and it kept changing direction
Rode one big loop clockwise.
11 miles 13.4 mph
I did get up to 13.7mph but the wind against on Beardsley brought my speed down.
My toes are still cold. And my lungs hurt.
Thursday was too cold to ride before work.
Dark Sky said wind was at 3 SSE. Wrong. It was more like 7-8 WSW. I went out clockwise only to fight the wind on SR56. I did the loop at WRB and went back along SR56, this time with the wind. I had to fight the wind again at MPB and Beardsley. At least it was warner and sunny. 56° when I started and 65° when I ended.
14 miles 13.2 mph
Dark Sky reported wind 5 mph NW but it was much windier and a bit NE. I had wind against riding east on SR56.
Breathing hard but heart rate not up.
11 miles 13.2 mph
I only did 47 miles this week. I am OK with that. They weather has just not been good and it is better than riding on rollers.