20161127 cycling
41° humidity 73% wind 4 NW
This is the lower temperature limit for riding. Anything colder is too cold. Today was almost too cold.
I rode CLR to BBD to SR56 to Hueland Pond to Mansfield.
I had on my long gloves which make it impossible to use my devices so I didn't stop until I got home.
8.16 miles
13.14 mph
44° humidity 80% wind 4 NNE
Another cold morning. Another ride without a stop. It is just easier with my full finger gloves.
Sun felt good.
Dirt hauler turning into The Ridge didn't stop and almost creamed me. I yelled. He looked at me but didn't stop nor even care.
8.42 miles
12.98 mph
union park
55° humidity 95% wind 5 NE
Not as cold but I still wore my tights. I was happy not to need long gloves.
Rode out to Union Park.
12.52 miles
13.07 mph
union park
67° humidity 89% wind 2 NE
It felt windier.
I felt good until about halfway through. Then my legs felt heavy.
13.59 miles
12.93 mph
no ride on friday but lots of steps at work
No ride. I had to work at 8am.
62° humidity 91% wind 5 NW
One loop clockwise.
8.15 miles
13.35 mph
i usually don't ride on sunday but it feels good
52° humidity 89% wind 7 N
Trying something new. Riding before breakfast on Sunday.
Chilly and windy. Rode one loop without stops.
Found I can go faster when I pull my legs back instead of just pushing down.
8.47 miles
12.86 mph
This week 59.2 miles
This year 2369 miles