20161106 cycling
/I only had 5 rides this week.
62° humidity 89% wind 4NE
I had a late start. I rode my usual loop to Hueland Pond. The wind seemed against me most of the way.
Wahoo App and Apple Watch workout app were off by 2/10 of a mile even though their time was only 2 seconds apart. WTF
Wahoo App
8.43 miles
13.71 mph
Apple Watch
8.23 miles
13.3 mph
500 km this month
Coffeeneuring 5
66° humidity 94% wind 4-5 NE
Pam told me about the wellness café at Florida Hospital. I decided to check it out. To make it worth the calories, I went out MPB to SR54. I rode the MUP along MPB. I prefer the road but it gets busy along this stretch and I wasn't sure I could keep my tired brain aware enough to be safe.
There is a decent shoulder along SR54.
I rode south down BBD. The wind was with me and helped me get some good speed.
I have not been to Florida Hospital. I followed the signs to the Wellness Center and looked for a bike rack. I found two in the back with the visitor parking. I locked up my bike and went in. The Café is very small but had a good variety of smoothies. Why do most smoothies include bananas? I ordered a berry blast. It was $4.82.
There is seating inside but I prefer to go outside. At least there were other people around in workout clothes since the Wellness Center includes a fitness area. There was no seating outside so I took my smoothie to go.
I rode back against the wind, SR56 to Mansfield.
18.17 miles
12.82 mph
65° humidity 95% wind 2 NE
Late start, shorter loop.
Dirt haulers entering The Ridge cut me off. Had to stop for light at Hueland Pond and Mansfield. Only had to wait 19 seconds.
8.42 miles
13.58 mph
66° humidity 95% wind 5 NNE
I didn't feel like riding.
Scott Corwin called when I was CLR. I declined the call. A minute later he called again so I stopped and answered it. My phone will only allow to answer first and I wanted to stop my Wahoo App. Ugh. He wanted to "touch base" and tell me Ryan is doing OK now. Yeah, I know. Also, Ryan needs an online class to graduate. I have been telling him that but he kept putting it off. Maybe the school can get him to do it.
I rode out to Union Park. They are staining the wood bridge so traffic is only on one side. I don't use the bridge and avoided that mess.
My legs were really tired coming back in the wind.
I managed to find some energy to beat the dirt hauler across the entrance to The Ridge. I knew he wouldn't stop.
I almost had to stop for the mower who stopped across the path. He was driving at an angle and could easily see me if he looked. Ass.
I was glad to be done with this ride.
12.48 miles
13.34 mph
No ride. Drove the boys to school then took my car in for service.
66° humidity 90% wind 4-9 NNW-NNE
Dark sky said 4 NE. I knew that was wrong when I went outside. Carrot said 9 NW. They were both wrong. I went out CLR to BBD and felt the wind It was really bad on BBD and I could barely keep up on SR56. I turned at Mansfield instead of fighting it. I then did a normal loop.
I rode in The Ridge and went all the way to the back. The houses to the east have bigger lots.
16.14 miles
14.85 mph
This week 63.6
This year 2176