coffeeneuring #5
/Tuesday 1 November
66° humidity 94% wind 4-5 NE
looking west at sr54 and mpb
Pam told me about the wellness café at Florida Hospital. I decided to check it out. To make it worth the calories, I went out MPB to SR54. O rode the MUP along MPB. I prefer the road but it gets busy along this stretch and I wasn't sure I could keep my tired brain aware enough to be safe.
looking south at sr54 and bbd
There is a decent shoulder along SR54. The wind was behind me and I cruised along. I had to stop briefly at Curley Road for the light and then again at BBD to cross safely. While waiting for the light, I realized I have never been to the Waffle House. We have homemade waffles and sausage every Sunday at home so there is no need to have waffles anywhere else.
non-descript entry for visitors
I rode south down BBD. The wind was with me and helped me get some good speed. I rode in the road instead of the MUP. The bike lane is clear.
I have not been to Florida Hospital. I followed the signs to the Wellness Center and looked for a bike rack. I found two in the back with the visitor parking. I locked up my bike and went in. The Café is very small but had a good variety of smoothies. Why do most smoothies include bananas? I ordered a berry blast. It was $4.82.
There is seating inside but I prefer to go outside. At least there were other people around in workout clothes since the Wellness Center includes a fitness area. There was no seating outside so I took my smoothie to go. I rode back against the wind, SR56 to Mansfield.
18.17 miles
12.82 mph