january cycling recap
/I love the clear blue skies of January even though it means colder temperatures.
I had hoped to see an increase of riding this month. My seasonal work was done January 3 though I did work the next two weekends. My weekdays were free and I should have been riding 10-20 miles every day.
This January was colder than usual. And I was lazy and used the cold an excuse not ride too many days.
I didn't realize how windy January is. Every time I rode I faced a headwind that really slowed down my average speed.
My motivation to ride longer and harder was gone. I was happy to get my 10 miles done. I did increase it to 13 miles a couple of times but that didn't last long.
I found that I could once again ride along MPB on the MUP. The construction was complete. The construction along SR56 continues.
My second flat of the month. it should have been an easy fix but I didn't have an extra tube.
I got 2 flats this month. The first came on a Friday. I had a spare tube but struggled to get the tire off. Once I got the tube changed, I could not get the tire back on. I had to work so I couldn't spend too much time with it. My dad had a doctor's appointment so I had to call a work friend to pick me up. Ten days later, I got another flat. But I didn't have a spare tube. I called dad to get me. I am not used to having flats. I never had this many. I will have to get used to changing the flats or get tougher tires.
Florida is flat and I never expect to have any elevation gain.
I finished the month with 166 miles. I did lose over 8 pounds but gained a few back in the last week. (Stress induced chocolate consumption.) Net weight loss 4 pounds.