it's just like riding a bike
/I was really getting into walking and increasing my daily steps. Then I woke up one Friday and could barely stand, let alone walk. I self-diagnosed plantar fasciitis. I took it easy and hoped it would heal. I hated not being able to walk. I hated missing those steps on my FitBit. I decided it was time to try my bike.
Andy was out riding his bike and I got my bike down and pumped up the tires. They held air and I got on the bike. Hmm... when did the gears change? These are not the original bike gears? It all felt weird. I didn't last long.
The following Monday, I rode around Deer Run. I had no confidence in my riding skills. I didn't like feeling this way. I took Andy's bike it to the LBS to have them install the basket. (It involves removing the headset and that is beyond my confidence level.) I got some lube for my bike.
The next day, I lubed up my chaine and asked Andy if he wanted to ride. We rode up to CVS. I am trying to teach Andy how to ride with cars on the road. I felt a little more confident with my own riding.
I began to ride in the morning by myself and in the evenings with Andy. I was training him in case he was chosen to participate on the the Special Olympics State Games. I wanted him to be able to do 5k easily. We were riding about 3-5 miles in the evenings.
Once I felt more confident on the bike, I started pushing myself to ride faster and farther. It felt good to get my heart pumping and I looked forward to the rides. (One downside is that I cannot listen to my iPhone while riding and my podcasts were piling up.)