[abc's or 123'c] time to count

I recently read Understanding Close-up Photography: Creative Close Encounters with or without a Macro Lens I was inspired to try different backgrounds. I thought about using scrapbook paper of which I have a ton, but grabbed what was closer... a shirt, a vest and a quilt.

081909 numbers-2

1/2 @ f 11 ~ ISO 100 ~ 50 mm

081909 numbers

1/4 @ f 4.5 ~ ISO 100 ~ 50 mm

081909 numbers-3

1/4 @ f 11 ~ ISO 100 ~ 50 mm

[abc's or 123's] by the numbers

So I had this idea and I actually took photos yesterday. But I didn't like the way they turned out so I was going to take them again today. Then I looked outside and saw Ryan playing in the mud. I took lots of photos of that, though none are great because silly me was too lazy to take off my macro lens. It is slow to focus which is fine on a tripod, not for a 10 year old boy. Anyway, I didn't get back to my first project so I cheated and grabbed this that I took last month for a contest. No, I didn't won but I was one of the 10 finalists.

081609 numbers

1.3 @ f 16 ~ ISO 100 ~ 50 mm