Day 20: iron man reindeer
/According to the inside of the door, I should have gotten a toy train. But a second Reindeer was in the spot.
day18: doctor strange
/I am so glad he showed up to claim the Cloak of Levitation
day 17: cloak of levitation
/Is this an omen that Dr Strange will be joining us?
The Clock is looking for his place by first going to Spider-Man then settling for the Iron Snow Man
Day 15: arc reactor?
/Or maybe it is a Kmart Blue Light Special?
Day 14: okoye with gifts
/I don’t understand with she got the hockey stick, either.
day 6:wrapping station
/the 2021 calendar had a similar station
"Peter, we are NOT wrapping gifts with webs! Sure, they are strong, too strong, but they cannot be composted easily.”