2024 cycling week 11

The week started out cold. I didn’t want to switch back to afternoon rides because they are shorter.

I found that I can still be warm

Enough if I wear a thin base layer with my winter jacket.

It warmed up as the weekend approached.

On Saturday, I ran errands and came home with honey, and groceries and plants. It wasn’t much but I could feel the weight slow me down some. I wonder what a full load will feel like?

On Sunday, I road before lunch. I tried to make it casual but then I sped up to get back home so I could leave again for lunch. I hope I can somehow make it on my bike with pizza and fries still hot.

This week 120 miles

This year 1,237 miles

Streak 1,478 days

2024 cycling week 10

Back to weekday cycling in the morning! There isn’t much to look at in the dark but it is nice to get it out of the way.

On Saturday, I rode down to Sprouts. I am trying to make weekends more for casual rides and not long workouts. But with the weather getting warmer, I am still sweating quite a bit. I will probably wear gloves if it is over 80° because my hands get sweaty and I hate that feeling on the handlebars.

I still had 68% battery so I didn’t charge it after Saturday’s ride. Part of my wanted to go shopping but I knew I would be cutting it close with the strong winds. So I just did a long loop instead.

This week 113 miles

This year 1,117 miles

Streak 1,471 days

2024 cycling week 9

stopped for school traffic on monday

Monday & Tuesday were still cold in the morning so I rode in the afternoons.

I am learning to just ride a moderate pace, not trying to go harder, just longer. It is nice not being too sweaty when I get home.

The afternoons are getting warmer and windy. I came home a bit sweaty on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is time to switch back to my morning ride.

I rode in the morning on Thursday.

It was quiet and dark.

February mileage 493

Streak 1,462 days = 4 years

On Saturday I rode back to Oliver’s to have the front panniers installed.

ominous clouds on the way home

On Sunday, I rode up to a friend’s house and stayed whiled it rained outside.

This week 119 miles

This year 1,004 miles

Streak 1,464 days

I love that I am a week ahead of goal.

four year streak

I have ridden my bike everyday for four years. FOUR YEARS. Everyday.

My desire to ride everyday started in 2019 when I was out of work. While I looked for a job and waiting for responses from potential employers, I needed to do something in my control. Cycling made me feel good so I did it everyday. I usually rode between 15-20 miles. I would have liked to go farther and longer but guilt kept me from doing that as I should be looking for a job.

Once I got a job, I wanted to keep riding at least 15 miles per day. Fifteen miles is two loops around our development. I started work at 7:00 am and had about a 30 minute drive to the office. This meant getting up early. Earlier than my usual 5:00 am wake up. I woke up at 4:00 am and rode for about 75 minutes, had a smoothie for breakfast (I could drink while unloading the dishwasher, etc), showered, then went to work.

In January 2020, I got sick. I think it was a cold that morphed into bronchitis but I never went to the doctor. Some days, I just couldn’t ride. It took some weeks to finally get over it. I went back to riding everyday.

screenshot from love to ride app

I didn’t really pay attention to my streak until I got an app called Love to Ride. The first page shows some data including streaks for days ridden and weeks ridden. Oh! Once I got to 500 days, it seemed impressive. Some days, the rides were short but never less than 15 minutes.

Now that I am nearing 1,500 days, I can’t let the streak go.

2024 cycling week 8

More cold mornings this week.

I have completed my Apple Watch February challenge so I no longer need to exercise 103 minutes each day. I did an easier ride on Monday afternoon but then felt guilty by Tuesday and did 18 miles.

On Wednesday, I rode to the dentist. It was very cold!

Then I rode to the Oliver’s to see about a chain. They couldn’t do it then so we scheduled it for Saturday. Another 18 mile day!

On Thursday, I did another 18 miles after work.

I tried riding slower on Friday. I did OK for about an hour then got bored.

On Saturday, I rode my bike to Oliver’s, the local bike shop. It was time for a new chain, cassette and overall check of my e-bike.

I went to Panera while it was being worked on.

I ordered the front panniers and asked about an extra battery. It is not yet available.

I rode home the long way.

I did a long ride on Sunday mostly to get in my exercise minutes and it was a beautiful day.

This week 129 miles

This year 885 miles

Streak 1,457 days

2024 cycling week 7

Monday and Tuesday were warmer but I have gotten used to being lazy before work. I should be sleeping in but spend the extra time playing puzzles and games.

I rode to the dentist on Monday. The appointment was in the afternoon so I had to rush to get there. I went the long way home.

I found myself not having the motivation to ride hard. I try to listen to my body and I guess it just wants me to take it easier despite the longer rides.

It rained most of the weekend. On Saturday, I went out to run some errands in the drizzle and managed to get very wet. I prepared better for Sunday, I wore my poncho but my legs and feet got wet.

This week 94 miles

This year 756 miles

Streak 1,450 days

2024 cycling week 6

The mornings were cold but the afternoons were nice.

I rode after work. Because of the Apple Watch challenge, I rode longer in the afternoons. I tried to ride slower but kept finding myself pushing harder.

On Thursday, I rode 3 shorts loops. It is 18 miles and I did it in just over an hour.

I didn’t need to do any big rides for my mileage goal on the weekend. But I still rode longer because of the Apple Watch Challenge.

On Sunday, I rode up to Amber’s and Robert’s house to give them some valentine’s treats. I rode home the long way to get to 103 minutes.

This week 127 miles

This year 662 miles

Streak 1,443 days

2024 cycling week 5

The weather got cold again and I rode in the afternoon after work.

January ended on Wednesday and I had ridden 455 miles.

Saturday’s ride was longer than I usually like. I rode to BurgerFi for one last #BirthdayMonth treat. The closest one is in Odesssa which is 16 miles west of here.

suncoast bike trail

The ride there was OK despite being on a busy and fast road. The ride back was very windy and I got caught at many traffic lights. But the fries were worth it.

By Sunday, I had 98 miles so I didn’t need a big ride. But I ended up doing 17 miles. I was riding more for the minutes than the miles.

This week 116 miles

This year 534 miles

Streak 1,436 days

2024 cycling week 4

Gloomy skies riding home from the dentist

I rode to the dentist on Tuesday. My mouth was numb on the way back but I chewed some gum anyway. It really helps with the dry mouth.

The temperatures got warmer and I was able to ride in the morning, Wednesday through Friday. I like getting in longer rides but I miss the extra free time in the morning.

water station at flatwoods

I had a good ride on Saturday. I rode down Morris Bridge and through Flatwoods. I wanted to redeem my #BirthdayMonth shake from Burger21 and wanted to get in some miles before I got there. I didn’t plan well and wasn’t hungry when I got there. But I ordered some sweet potato fries. The shake was worth the effort.

heath bar shake and sweet potato fries from burger 21

The temperatures are dropping again.

chocolate candy from world market. malteser biscuits are excellent.

On Sunday, I rode to the Grove. I wanted to check out the decor at World Market. I ended up with just chocolate but I got to talk to a guy about my bike.

This week 112 miles

This year 418 miles

Streak 1,429 days

2024 cycling week 3

i received the coffeeneuring patches and stickers in the mail

Another week of up and down temperatures.

I planned to ride 25 miles on both Saturday and Sunday. But I got an invite to drink with friends at Ford’s Garage. I went the long way to get in the miles.

I did get a good ride on Sunday despite the chilly weather.

This week 99 miles

This year 305 miles

Streak 1,422 days