coffeeneuring challenge complete
/I am really glad I did the Coffeenuering Challenge this year. I didn't get to try many new coffee shops because we don't have a big variety in the area. I did get to ride outside of my comfort zone and try new routes.
I discovered that hot tea is not a good drink for me while riding. It is too hot and I lack the patience for it to cool. I learned that I shouldn't ride on wet boardwalks with my narrow tires.
I learned that riding in the road without a shoulder is sometimes better than a poorly maintained path.
I discovered that I am not so brave at going fast speeds downhill as I when I was young.
I am still slow when changing tires.
I learned how to take advantage of wind.
I confirmed that I do not like bananas in my smoothies and Starbucks pastries look better than they taste.
I now know my body and brain cannot take too much bouncing over rough gravel and washboard roads.
I rode 168 miles.
I spent $134 on food, drinks and bike repairs.
I found that I prefer smoothies while riding. I also prefer the smoothies at Panera. I discovered that riding for 2 hours just barely justifies the calories of a smoothie and a treat. I would be better off having the smoothie alone or bringing along a small treat of my own.
I learned which roads have bike lanes and decent shoulders to ride on. I rode my longest distance (34 miles) and didn't collapse. I find that I have to ride harder to get my heart rate up. I want to explore more routes. Riding against the wind still sucks but sometimes it can push you back home.
#1 Stonemill Artisan $4
Helmet $60
21 miles
#2 Starbucks $4
20 miles
#3 Panera $7
33 miles
#4 Panera $7
Two tubes $30
21 miles
#5 Panera $7
25 miles
#6 Starbucks $8
21 miles
#7 Panera $7
27 miles
168 miles