2024 cycling week 48
/The cold weather was back. I didn’t feel up to braving the cold so I started work early and took a longer lunch break. I just did the large loop of 11 miles. It was so nice to ride in the sunlight without any errand attached to it.
Wednesday was warmer but I stuck with the schedule since this was a short week.
In years past, I would use the extra long weekend to ride as much as I could. In 2020, I did four days of 35 miles each. I felt fine at the time but broke out with a cold sore, either from too much sun or stress on my body. I don’t have anything to prove so I ride more for enjoyment rather than accomplishment.
On Thanksgiving day, I rode up to Starbucks for pumpkin loaf. This was as close as I got to pumpkin pie.
I did errands on Friday before the rain started. Errands on Saturday after it finally warmed up.
On Sunday, I did more errands to Sprouts & Home Depot.
This might be the lowest mileage week this year. It would have bothered me before but I am OK with it. Cycling is about please and transportation. It isn’t about the mileage. Though the mileage is something to be proud of.
This week 73 miles
This year 5,249 miles
Streak 1,737 days