cycling week 45
Start: Clear, 68°F, Feels like 69°F, Humidity 93%, Wind 3mph from NNE
End: Clear, 67°F, Feels like 68°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 3mph from NNE - by
I heard sirens for the first 20 minutes. Six or more sheriff deputies were on SR56 and searching a car.
9.02 miles
Start: Partly Cloudy, 68°F, Feels like 69°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 3(8)mph from N
End: Partly Cloudy, 68°F, Feels like 69°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 4(8)mph from N - by
Windy and rain from mile 4.
9.02 miles
Start: Mostly Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 70°F, Humidity 82%, Wind 7(16)mph from NNE
End: Mostly Cloudy, 69°F, Feels like 70°F, Humidity 83%, Wind 7(17)mph from NNE - by
Windy AF
Short loop
6.03 miles
Tropical Storm Nicole
Start: Drizzle, 70°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 8(20)mph from SSW
End: Drizzle, 71°F, Feels like 72°F, Humidity 95%, Wind 5(20)mph from SSE - by
Wet and windy. Just enough to keep the streak.
1.21 miles
Start: Mostly Cloudy, 70°F, Feels like 71°F, Humidity 99%, Wind 9mph from S
End: Mostly Cloudy, 70°F, Feels like 71°F, Humidity 100%, Wind 9mph from S - by
Not windy as reported. But it was wet and rained a bit so I cut it short.
6.03 miles
Coffeeneuring #5
Start: Partly Cloudy, 82°F, Feels like 85°F, Humidity 60%, Wind 6(13)mph from WSW
End: Clear, 81°F, Feels like 83°F, Humidity 62%, Wind 4(10)mph from W - by
West wind. I just wish it wasn't so strong.
Rode CLR to Cypress Creek to SR54/56.
It wasn't fun going over the interstate. I haven't done this in a year or more. Phew.
Tall Creme Brûlée steamer and rice treat.
No ornaments here. Does any store get them anymore?
I am not looking forward to crossing I75 at SR56. I have never done it on a bike. But the construction is done so the paths should be safe.
Ugh. Had to go back. They gave me coffee. Blech. The second one is OK but no topping. Sigh.
The ride back was better than I had hoped. I took the sidewalk not trusting the drivers along SR56. The ways isn't very clear but I had to cross SR56 twice when crossing I75.
The worst part was crossing BBD when no one follows the NO TURN sign while I am trying to use the crosswalk.
14.10 miles
Coffeeneuring #6
Start: Mostly Cloudy, 74°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 79%, Wind 6(12)mph from NW
End: Mostly Cloudy, 73°F, Feels like 74°F, Humidity 80%, Wind 6(13)mph from NNW - by
Quick ride to catch up.
Rode CLR to Target.
Locked up my bike
Line and cannot order ahead.
Peppermint hot cocoa but no whipped cream! They are out!
Also got the Madeline cookies since they have fewer calories than the rice treat.
I don't think I have ever had madeleines before. I expected butter or shortbread cookies but they are mini sponge cakes. While I was enjoying the drink and cakes, I read a recipe to bake them. Maybe, someday.
A tall is too much. Or maybe it was the cow's milk. It sat heavy in my stomach. I am glad it was a short ride back.
5.10 miles
This week 51 miles
This year 3,491 miles