errandonee #8-12
/I was going to call it quits for the Errandonnee challenge. I didn't think I would be able to get it done. Also, there didn't seem to be much to be gained if I did finish. Then the organizer posted the patch that those who complete the challenge can purchased. I want the patch. I also got an email the other day that my library card was expiring. I don't use it often but it is nice to have. I am now t scheduled to work Sunday and Monday but the library is closed on Sunday's and Monday's. I have to work today but not until 4 pm. Today would be the day to get the last 5 errands completed. The library opens at 11 so I waited until 9:30 to go since Google maps said it would take an hour to ride to the library. It was warm and windy.
#8 I went to the bank to deposit a $100 bill my dad gave me. There is no bike rack but I didn't need one. I used the walk up ATM. Category: personal business
I rode up BBD. I saw some wild turkeys along the side of the road. Turning east on SR54, I got hit with the wind. It was worse along the open fields. I went past the library as it wasn't quite 10:00.
#9 I went to Home Depot. No bike rack. I locked my bike to a pole and walked inside. I carried two bags of CFL bulbs to be recycled. The bulbs were not broken during the ride. Category: You carried what?
#10 I rode over to Publix. The bike rack is small and out of the way. I would have missed it but saw another bike over the hedge. I got some juice/smoothie. I tried some smoke sausage samples. I got some eggs. I usually eschew plastic bags but got one just in case there was breakage and oozing eggs. Category: You carried what?
#11 I rode back to the library. It was busy because they are having early voting for the primary. Florida has closed primaries and I am registered as an independent so I am not allowed to vote. I rode around looking for a bike rack. I missed it the first time because it is the low concrete type with just eye screws set into the concrete. I got my library card renewed. Category: personal business or arts and entertainment
The ride back SR54 was OK. I was getting a little tired. I haven't ridden this long in months. The wind grew strong again as I turned south on MPB. I rode in the street until I could easily go to the path. There is no bike lane so the path is safer but bumpier and busier. Though today I mostly just saw adolescent lizards darting across the 10' path just before I got there.
I turned west on SR56 and rode to Panera. I was tired.
#12 Panera for lunch
There is a small bike rack. I put my bag and helmet at a table at the patio and went inside to order. I got smoked ham & Swiss cheese sandwich. It is my go-to when I have extra calories. I got kettle chips, iced tea and a scone. I saved the scone for later. Category: Wild card
After I was done eating, I rode home in the wind.
27 miles 12 mph
Total errand :12
Total miles : 60.96