no school
/There was no school today because of Tropical Storm Isaac. Manatee County declared schools closed on Saturday. Sunday morning, Polk County declared schools closed for Monday. Hillsborough, Pinellas and Hernando Counties followed suit. Finally, around 4pm, Pasco County announced school would be closed Monday.
Hurricane Days don't happen very often. We had more Snow Days in Michigan. And when we had a Snow Day, we never stayed home. We would go shopping or meet the other teachers for breakfast at The Rams Horn. We would brave the unplowed streets for non-essential journeys.
Ryan would never venture out in a storm if his life depended on it. He only feels safe at home and when his family is home too.
I had a chiropractor appointment scheduled for Monday. I would have gone if the boys were in going to school. But I changed it. The winds were done before noon but still Andy wanted to stay home. I did have to go out together bread for grilled cheese. The weather was fine and the store was relatively quiet.
I think they called the day off preemptively. The storm was well off the coast and not very strong.