30 august 2011
/The boys are back in school and it is time to unlcutter this house. I am taking a workshop at simplify 101. It is not that I need the help, I need the accountability. If I pay for a workshop, they I will guilt if I don't participate. It is working OK. Each day, Aby gives us a daily challenge. The problem is that some of these I cannot so just yet, or some I have already completed. I still try to do something decluttering for about 15 minutes or more. I cleared off a shelf in my bedroom to house a Lego set. I threw away the letters from Jim Allen.
While waiting for the bus, I filled my van full of boxes for Goodwill.
I finally purchased Unclutter Your Life in One Week. Now I just have to do those tasks. The author says to start in the closet. My problem with the closet is some of the crap I am keeping that was Gail's. I wish I could get rid of the baseball cards. They are not worth much at all. But there are other items I can decide on like my old ski gear. I am not going skiing anytime soon.
I do not expect to get done in just week. I just need to push to tell me where to start first.