day 81
The LAST day of summer break. We made it through 81 days without a major breakdown. I will miss sleeping in to 6:30 and Ryan "waking me up" with a kiss. I won't miss feeling guilty leaving the house without the boys.
Last night I put in one of the yankz in my sneakers. I am trying it out before I put in the second one.
I had hoped the backup would have completed overnight. But I forgot about the computer going to sleep at 11. It started again this morning. It should be done by lunch.
My iPad hung again during the backup. I force quit and deleted the backup. It took awhile but I got it backed up again. I have been using zinio more. I wonder if that has a connection.
Breakfast: waffles.
POTD prompt was favorite fruit. I gave only apples and bananas. Easy set up.
Lunch: panini, vanilla cone.
All backups done and scheduled. It was easy enough to redirect Lightroom to the new drive.
Ryan got his stuff ready for school. He was disappointed that I only had 5 colors of folders and he has 6 classes. I forgot that we had to go look for a purple folder last year.
I ordered another hard drive for me and one for dad. I need a larger drive for Time Machine. What I have is only 500gb and I have to restart it every few months.
Layout for Words to Live By. I skipped the journaling. I didn't want to cover up any of the photo and I think it is not needed.
Card of the day. I really like how this turned out.
I finished watching two television series recommended by Doyle, Breaking In and Mr Sunshine. Breaking In had been cancelled. I don't know about Mr Sunshine.
Dinner: salad, kiwi
I watched an episode of Dr Who. Then I watch the first episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I doubt I will watch Curb again. George was my least favorite character on Seinfeld and Curb is like a whole show about George.
Shaved Andy's face. I am not very good at it. I go too fast. But at least I don't nick him.
Andy thinks I should go to bed early since he has to. He is probably right. I wrote in my gratitude journal early.
Thus ends my daily posts. I will go back to posting every third day or so. When there is something to actually post about.