17 june 2011
Ryan asked when to expect his book. I asked if he thought he deserved it after acting so poorly at the mall. He said he deserved it. He thought I ordered the book while still at Barnes & Noble. I didn't but I also did not tell him that I did order it when we got home. I told him how we had to earn an allowance and save up to buy a book. I told him he had to clean up his area in the family room. He uses my old laptop on the coffee table rather than the eMac in his bedroom. Flotsam and jetsam find there way to this area and under the table. He grumbled as he picked up the larger objects. I said there was still more on the floor like the silly bandz he likes to rip up.
Later, he came to me and said the floor was spotless. It is close enough and I told him the book would be here today.
Worked on more Disney biking photos. I have about 50 more to go. Why do I take so many photos?
Worked on March 2008. I took a lot of photos then as well.
Photo of the day.
Lunch: grilled cheese, carrots and melon.
Finished March 2008. Did April 2008 POTD. Lightroom kept crashing even after I rebooting the computer.
Dinner: chicken nuggets for the boys; tuna and tomatoes for me. More melon for dessert.
Card of the day.
Layout, Andy in 2008. I am not 100% happy with this one. The template is from Get a Scrap. The photos do not have equal borders on the mat and it annoys me. I learned this pet peeve from Cathy Zielske. I didn't notice it right away or I would have fixed the original template. I moved the photos as much as I could without redoing the mat. Yes, I know no one will notice but me. I am not real happy with the paper choice. I wanted a stripe to mimic his shirt. I could not find anything is red or blue. I was going to grab Art Warehouse Pride kit but I feel like I use it a lot. I know some Scenic Route would have been perfect if only they stayed around to go digital. Oh well. It is another layout done.
The sky had a glorious yellow orange glow just before the sun set. It made the whole house light up.
Later, he came to me and said the floor was spotless. It is close enough and I told him the book would be here today.
Worked on more Disney biking photos. I have about 50 more to go. Why do I take so many photos?
Worked on March 2008. I took a lot of photos then as well.
Photo of the day.
Lunch: grilled cheese, carrots and melon.
Finished March 2008. Did April 2008 POTD. Lightroom kept crashing even after I rebooting the computer.
Dinner: chicken nuggets for the boys; tuna and tomatoes for me. More melon for dessert.
Card of the day.
Layout, Andy in 2008. I am not 100% happy with this one. The template is from Get a Scrap. The photos do not have equal borders on the mat and it annoys me. I learned this pet peeve from Cathy Zielske. I didn't notice it right away or I would have fixed the original template. I moved the photos as much as I could without redoing the mat. Yes, I know no one will notice but me. I am not real happy with the paper choice. I wanted a stripe to mimic his shirt. I could not find anything is red or blue. I was going to grab Art Warehouse Pride kit but I feel like I use it a lot. I know some Scenic Route would have been perfect if only they stayed around to go digital. Oh well. It is another layout done.
The sky had a glorious yellow orange glow just before the sun set. It made the whole house light up.