[photo walk] university of tampa

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We had a Saturday morning photo walk at the University of Tampa. It was nice being down there when the campus was virtually empty. We almost had the place to ourselves along with a couple of unknown photographers. We walked around Plant Hall shooting with the morning light. At 0:00 am, the opened up Plant Hall so we went indoors. I wandered all the way to Fletcher Hall which looks to be the old dining hall from when it was a hotel. I would have done better to have my tripod.

The plan was to walk across the river and have lunch. Since I parked closer than most, I offered to take Frank and meet them at Five Guys. It was really nice to get to talk to Frank one-on-one and get to know him. We didn't have to wait at the restaurant too long before everyone else showed up. Five Guys is a burger joint. They do have grilled cheese sandwiches and a veggie sandwich that is just made using the veggie toppings of the burger. I had a burger.

Afterwards, the group left to walk back across the bridge. Frank and I went back to my van. I saw an old DeSoto in the parking lot and we took some shots of that. Then I took Frank back to UT so he could ride home with Jeff & Theresa.

For the rest of my photos, please see my flickr set.