[summer break in 80 days] day 20

It's 9:15 pm and I am sitting in the family room watching a lightning show to the south of us. There is no noise, it's what we used to call heat lightning. Now we know that's it just a storm too far away for us to hear the thunder.

062309 hibiscus

I raked out the front bed. I moved the dirt & mulch over to the other bed since it is lower. There were a lot of thick, tenacious weeds. Those I threw away. I laid out the bed and planned the plantings. I would love a robelinii in the corner. I am not sure if I can afford one, even a small one. I am not going to fill the area with plants. I want some breathing room.

Andy is still talking about the pool. Today he found his bank. He has about $18. So now we would only need $19,982. Maybe I can use his 529 plan that we have set up for college?

Two more orders to pull. These were very small. Each order was under $20 including shipping. The forums are dead. I'd shut the whole place down if I knew I could break even. But I have until March 2011 paid for the site so I will stick around some more.

Andy and I watched Bolt. Ryan did not want to watch it so we went into my room. Andy kept leaving and coming back. I got bored after the first 15 minutes and started twittering. I am glad that we only rented this and didn't buy it.

Eating Well Magazine has some frozen desert recipes. They look so good and easy. I found popsicle molds on amazon and I think I am going to order some. I am missing my Edy's Juice Pops. But the price is outrageous and and I can't justify the cost. I could make my smoothie's into ice pops. I even found a recipe for margarita pops! I'll let you know if I try them.

Not photographing today. The storms came through after dinner. They made a lot noise and flash but little rain.