[weigh-in wednesday] 5/13 goals

This week, .8 pounds, total 41.8 pounds.

How do you reward yourself?

Do you make smaller goals and celebrate them? Or do you wait until your final goal has been met?

Does it make sense for you go out & splurge on a delicious meal when eating those delicious meals got you fat? You could buy yourself some new clothes or maybe some music but what if you are trying to save money?

Since I have a large weight loss goal, I am breaking it down into smaller portions. I will do something when I lose 50 pounds (if I ever get there). But I am not so sure what to do. It might be summer vacation time when I reach that goal so going out to eat won't be possible without a babysitter. Music and books are necessities to me so I don't really wait to buy them. I don't think I will need new clothes by then.


Perhaps a plug-in for Photoshop? On Mother's Day I almost bought Topaz Adjust but decided to spend the money on more photo greeting cards for the teaching staff. Maybe really wanting Topaz Adjust will be motivation I need?

Actually I don't know what more I can do. I have been eating less than my allotted 2100 calories. The weight seems to come off so slow. OK I know that moving more will burn more calories. And maybe instead of blogging, I should be lifting some weights or cleaning the house.
