I think I may be addicted to Twitter. It's down now and I don't know what to do.
Actually, it's not that bad. It's just that this is the time I check out the tweets I starred to look at later. See, I mostly twitter on my iPod Touch, when I have a few moments. So those tweets that have links to articles or pics I can see on my iPod, I star for later. Then I go back and check them out.
Now is my time and I can't. drats.
Actually, it's not that bad. It's just that this is the time I check out the tweets I starred to look at later. See, I mostly twitter on my iPod Touch, when I have a few moments. So those tweets that have links to articles or pics I can see on my iPod, I star for later. Then I go back and check them out.
Now is my time and I can't. drats.
Today is the first day of spring break. It looks like it is going to be one expensive week and we are staying home.