learning from videos

When the boys were little, they loved watching Thomas and Friends and Theodore Tugboat videos. When they started school, they stopped watching TV. They would rather play on their computers.

A couple of years ago, they discovered YouTube. Now they are back to watching their favorite videos, over and over again.


Yesterday, the boys got their hair cut. The typical routine is haircuts, bookstore then dinner. On the way to the bookstore, Andy was talking about his video camera. During the past 2 haircuts/bookstore/dinner routines, I have let him take his video camera in the store. But both times he has set it down and forgot where he put it. It's not a fancy video camera but still over $100 to replace and I am not going to replace it! So I told Andy that he cannot bring it in the store. He got angry and threw his hat into the empty seat next to him. We talked about someone else who got angry, Hank, and said "It's not fair!" Andy could relate his own frustration to Hank's and then talked it out and felt better.

Of course, he talked it out and over again for the rest of the evening.