5 december


Chilly morning and it would be nice to stay in bed. But...

Hey! I've lost some more weight. Seventy pounds gone! Ü

I got my Christmas cards done. For some reason I only ordered 50 prints. It was hard reducing the list to that. I may order some more cards for those I forgot. Oh I already now one name. Oops.

Have I mentioned how much I love Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark with Dark Chocolate? I saw that Junior Mints has a Christmas variety with peppermint crunch on the outside. I have never been a fan of those so I didn't get any. I bet my sister would like them. Here is a review of them.


At Barnes & Noble and it's so busy. I was lucky to find a table. Guess I'll skip the chai.

Andy has been getting more tense when he is getting his hair cut. At first Dana thought it was the change of salon. But this was his fourth visit. Even Andy doesn't take that long to transition.

Since we ate late, I was hoping the boys might want to skip dinner. Right. Andy's is a growing boy and is not likely to skip a meal for the next several years. Though he did eat less, he did eat. Actually, he ate a "normal" portion rather than than 3 or 4.